Monday, April 12, 2010

2NE1 "Try To Follow Me" to be performed at Anycall Festival!

On the 12th, Samsung representative, Choi Jisung stated that they will be holding the 'Anycall Corby Family Festival' at the Olympic fencing stadium on the 24th, with 2NE1 and 2PM, etc.

Much interest has been gathering for this event, as 2NE1 and 2PM will be performing their CM songs 'Try to Follow Me', and 'My Colour' etc. that have each scored high ranks on various online music charts. In addition, Son Dambi and Kim Taewoo will also be attending, and it is planned give guests a memorable experience.

There is a lot of hot demand to participate in the 'Anycall Corby Family Festival' and 3000 people have already requested to attend within just one week.

Samsung representatives stated "We have prepared the event well in hopes to thank the guests attending the festival for their unchanging love from last year to this year." "I hope that fans will continue to show love for Corby." Within 4 months of the release of the Corby phone, its widely-acclaimed hit model has already sold 500 000 devices.

Trans Credits: GEE @
Sharing Credits: Cara@
(Please do not remove any credits when taking out news from theksource.)


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